A beautiful JRPG Classic Graphics definitely not 'last gen'

User Rating: 10 | Enchanted Arms X360
On the visual side, the graphics have the perfect look and feel for a traditional Japanese RPG
Except that whoever said it has "last gen" graphics must not have had an HDTV
They're small, closed in environments like traditional RPGs have used for years, and I actually missed this. The detail is super concentrated and all of the surfaces have impressively detailed textures. The feel is like a classic masterpiece RPG with a twist
You have to position your characters on a small 'grid' and use a tiny bit of strategy
Not so much that it gets dry, and the grid is simple to navigate on
The grid has no mathematical feel, so no worries there
It just gives you a sense of aiming instinctually
It gives it that much more flare

The beginning of the story is definitely laying the ground for an interesting and immersive story to unfold
The world feels natural and cozy, fitting exceptionally well with a next gen version of the classic type look of such games
This classic look and feel concentrated into the detail of the 360's powerful hardware is an amazing breath of fresh air and exactly what I've been hoping ot see since the first xbox appeared, up until now

The loading times, best of all, are incredibly fast. The expensive loading times you are used to coming accross as an expense of exploring previous games like this, are all but gone. This is the kind of gem I've been waiting for since this system came out. Two thumbs up to the creators.