From the deepest darkest depths of the PS1 library, From Software's masterpiece will never get the attention it deserves

User Rating: 9.5 | Echo Night (PlayStation the Best) PS
I came across Echo Night on a ROM site. I had never heard of it before, even being a fan of From Software's King's Field and Armored core series. It literally took an alphabetical list of PS1 games, looking up every single PlayStation game on the Internet, in order to lead me to this game. It is unknown. Even really bad games get more attention than Echo Night, and it is truly disappointing. Whats even worse, is that GameSpot has once again decided to give an unknown gem such as this a "Poor" rating.

The whole game has this overwhelming feeling of atmosphere that is just too good for words. It is really the best ever in any game I have ever played, the whole presentation is flawless, I can't even say how good it is.

The graphics are not important. I am completely serious. The graphics aren't important in this game. They are the way they are because they PlayStation can not handle any better without compromising the whole of From Software's creation. I also disagree that they are bad. The graphics are quite good for the PlayStation actually. Everything looks polished and has great detail. And the characters don't look so bad. Most of them are ghosts, and the alive ones look just fine, they aren't "creepy" at all.

The gameplay is sort of what hinders the game. First of all, it uses the back buttons to look up and down and the d-pad to move and look horizontally. For 1999, with almost every PS owner having a DualShock, it
should be the standard to have analog support in a first person game, or in any game for that matter. It is annoying to use such and absurd system when the solution is easily available. Aside from the controls, the puzzle are very logical, and take a while to solve. It is not like in some other games where all the puzzles involve pushing blocks. For example, in one puzzle you must make a certain drink for a drunken spirit. In the room there are paintings on the wall with different initials on each one. First you must find out the initials of the guy who invented the drink. Then you must match the clues from the correct painting with the different pictures on the bottles.

The voice acting is surprisingly good, especially for an import from a small Japanese company. The twins saying "Every thing is the same. Everything is the same between us." just rings in my head all the time. I would say the voice acting is some of the best I have heard in ANY game. The music fits the game perfectly and really adds to the atmosphere of the game.

This must be the most unappreciated underplayed games in history. It is easily one of the best PlayStation games, yet it doesn't even have its own Wikipedia page! The real unknown gem.