Not as good as it's predecessor but this budget game is still packed with explosive, yet mindless enjoyment.

User Rating: 7 | Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon PS3
The first Earth Defense Force game I played was EDF 2017 back when I had an Xbox360. It was, and still is, one of the funnest games I have ever played. It didn't have a sweeping story line, the visuals were barely above last gen, the sound effects sounded like they were made in someones garage. Yet despite this the action packed gameplay, b-movie art design and quality simply made it an absolute blast to play. It was far more than the sum of it's parts.

The following title in the Earth Defense Force series, Insect Armageddon makes an awful lot of improvements while keeping the same excellent formula that made 2017 so fun, however also removes some things leaving the whole game fun but disappointing. Two steps forward, one step back.

The basic premise of Insect Armageddon sees Earth being attacked by an alien army known as Ravagers. This army consists of every enemy from a 1950's sci-fi movie possible including giant ants, spiders, huge robots, space ships, wasps, ticks and even a robot prey mantis or two. You play the role of a nameless trooper in the EDF fighting back against the invaders. I actually quite like the lack of personality for the character you play. Just a nameless cog in the machine, makes a nice change that works in this game like it wouldn't in most others.

One of the improvements made to the series allows for a choice of four different classes, an all round trooper, a fast jet pack user with limited flight, a heavy weapons expert slow with a shield and a trooper that can drop various turret types for additional support. Each has access to different weapons from the start with plenty more to be collected from tougher enemies and then purchased for a constantly expanding armoury.

The best thing about EDF is the excellent scale and explosions. Missions see you constantly surrounded by a huge amount of enemies, acid and lasers coming in all directions. Buildings get leveled when enough stray missiles connect seeing them collapse in the background, there are occasional tanks, gun turrets and walking mechs scattered around to help in the explosions and destruction. It's excellent mindless fun.

The visuals have seen a huge upgrade from 2017 as well. Textures and detail are clearer, the frame rate is pretty solid no matter how much is happening on screen at any given time. The enemies all look fantastic and many of the weapons give an excellent feeling of power and destruction with multiple explosions and fully destructible scenery that looks fantastic in motion. This is where the first negative point comes in though that the scenery is rather lacking in variety compared with it's predecessor as the entire game takes place solely in a city centre and lacks the countryside, beaches and caves 2017 had to mix things up.

Insect Armageddon is also criminally short literally ending out of nowhere with no finale, no mothership battle, nothing wrapped up what so ever. I appreciate this is a a budget title but it still feels rather half finished. There are various hardness settings that are a genuine challenge, a campaign remix, 3 player co-op and a survival mode that help extend Insect Armageddon's life span but I would still have preferred a much fuller campaign.

To sum up. Insect Armageddon is fun, hilariously so in places thanks to it's online co-op and utterly cheesy over the top B movie action, 1950s inspired enemies and destructive scenery. It does lack in variety and ends rather abruptly but at it's budget release price you get an excellent bargain of a game that doesn't pretend to be more than it is. I recommend it, especially if you have a friend or two to play it with.

+ Class editions are excellent.
+ Over the top explosions and action are great fun.
+ 3 player online co-op.

- Lack of location variety.
- Criminally short campaign.