Play it only if you are a HARDCORE Gundam fan, or you've never played any Dynasty warrior games before...

User Rating: 3 | Gundam Musou 2 PS3
Play it only if you are a HARDCORE Gundam fan, or you've never played any Dynasty warrior games before...

Well, there is really nothing wrong with this game except it's not fun to play. However, "fun" is a relative thing, some people might find it actually entertaining to repeat a single action over and over and over and over and over.... If you are one of those people, please GET THIS GAME! It's freaking made for you!!

I am a gundam fun myself. Looking at the vast numbers of mobile suits alone can justify my spending on this game :) Let's put it another way, I'd rather look at the MS in the selection screen than actually playing the game, because I don't think there IS a game....

But, that's just me :) Based on the long-tail theory, things you value as junk maybe held dearly by others. Everyone has different preferences. There is no good or bad, it's just preference.

So, you make the call!