It's just like Dynasty Warriors 5! Only it has Strategy! That makes it a whole lot better.

User Rating: 7.3 | Shin Sangoku Musou 4 Empires PS2
Gameplay: 6/10.
If you ever played a Dynasty Warriors game, you should be familiar with it's (In)famous Hack-Slash-Repeat style of gameplay. But the addition of a somewhat deep Strategy mode is fun. Graphics: 7/10
The graphics for most Dynasty Warriors games are good, But there isn't much of an Improvement from the last Dynasty Warriors. The Character design is good, But they looked like that in the last games too.

Sound: 8/10
The Dynasty Warriors series usually feature a speed metal-esque soundtrack, Me personally being a big fan of speed metal, power metal, etc. Thought that this was pretty awsome. Even though it doesn't really fit with the Ancient China theme.

Value: 8/10
I got this for pretty cheap when it was new at my local EB. Its worth the $30 your probably going to spend, If you didn't like Dynasty Warriors 5, you'll probably like Empires better. It's more fun!