Koei's Long Road of Tactical Action Games gets to its peak!

User Rating: 8.7 | Shin Sangoku Musou 4 Empires PS2
To Start of Awesome game despite its average reviews... the Dynasty Warriors series cops many bad opinions etc because A: its a Asian game slightly targeted towards western society and of course their own, B: its made by Japanese people despite the story is about Chinese people.... C: its a hella long series and tends to change slightly every time round...

now onto the Review

Empires is a no holds War game for control of Ancient China you are given two starting scenarios A = The Yellow Turban Rebellion or B = Gathering of heroes

in Yellow turban rebellion you follow a dulled down version of the normal dynasty warriors storyline where you can play any of the teams involved or heck create your own with custom Officers and Pre made Characters, probably my most favorite part is the in depth customization of your Own Dynasty Warrior otherwise called EDIT Mode... noting is cooler than having your own Chinese dude called Raze owning up 100's of people in a battlefield..

Dynasty Warriors Pure letdown is in its draw distance you cant see very far at all... and the people appear inside the draw distance to top it off... the graphics are not over the top great on the PS2 but they do tend to look nicer on a PS3 with upscaling on a 1080p HDTV Co-Op mode is awesome no major changes to your original game just another team mate to help you own all of China... much like Halo it does not change your game play experience rather it makes it easier... I like the dynasty warrior series seriously grab a friend and play empires co-op cause i never thought much of the first 3 and after 4, 4 Empires , 5 Extreme Legends and 5 Empires i am hooked!