One of the worst games ive ever played

User Rating: 1 | DUSK-12 PC
Dusk 12-..........this game is horrible.what to say more? This is one of the worst games ever. .Compared to this you will find games like You are Empty very,very good.This is a waste of time,an abysmal game with horrible graphics,horrible sounds .uninspired music,weak story,uninspired gameplay,with a tone of bugs and hard and annoying at times.Voice acting is terrible,you realize that at the very beginning of the game.Cutscenes are one of the worst in any game i saw.Enemy AI is non-existent.Most of the monsters run at you but then are trapped at doors-bugs are everywhere.If you pick up a box or a small object you have the awful surprise that you cant trow it!you get a message"sorry,you cant trow that object in here"haha.most of the time you accidentely pick up something and then the game doesnt let u totrow that object! you must restart the game!...ive played this horrible game until a level where i couldnt continue anymore due to a bug.tried everyhting and didnt work than ive uninstalled this trash.stay away from this one! this game is awful!