Dungeons and Dragons Tactics (PSP) is a decent attempt at the full D&D tabletop experience in a video game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dungeons & Dragons Tactics PSP
For: Good use of the D&D rule set; nice graphics; quite strategic; great music
Against: very slow gameplay; clunky interface

Gameplay 7: D&D Tactics successfully blends traditional party based tabletop D&D transposed into a turn-based tactical combat game. The full assortment of D&D skills, modifiers and equipment can be used to influence the battle. In many ways the game is too complicated for non D&D players, but a handy tutorial goes some way to help new players.

Design 6: In many ways the game is too complicated for non D&D players, but a handy tutorial goes some way to help new players. It is a shame that there is not a "beginners" mode, or an option to allow the CPU to select some of the combat options for you (like Final Fantasy Tactics).

Presentation 9: The graphics are pretty good, with some nice lighting effects and 3D models. Worth extra praise is the in-game music which is simply fantastic, from the Enya like title track, to the traditional RPG medieval strumming.

Longevity 8: The main campaign is long and intelligently defined. Provided you can put up with the clunky interface and slow Gameplay there is a good deal of value in the game.

Overall: 7/10