One of the biggest let downs of this year.

User Rating: 3 | Dungeons & Dragons Tactics PSP
I had good expectations from this game. I love RPGs, and D&D is the precursor to any RPG. Every RPG owes something to D&D, so of course, I expected this to be an excellent game.

I was wrong.

Even when I read the 5.0 rating on Gamespot, I thought, "No way, this is crazy. I have to try this for myself."

The first thing I noticed with the game were the ungodly long loading screens. But, this is a PSP game, it's to be expected. I let that one slide.

The second thing I noticed was that the games interface was very awkward, from the beginning of the first mission on. Iffy animations, horrible map controls, it's just odd. I've even had people attacking with nothing happening on screen.

The third thing I noticed was that the game was boring. I don't mean the, "It's the beginning of the game, it goes slow at first" boring. I mean the "Holy sweet Jesus, when will this fight be over?" boring. Firstly, it's next to impossible to hit anything (I may have just given my characters bad stats), and secondly, once you DO manage to hit something, it's very lame. The most exciting thing is seeing the red number fly up.

The fourth and most important thing I noticed was that the multiplayer isn't even worth playing. After all, D&D IS about playing with friends, couldn't they have at least made it interesting? You can't even play with your own characters, you have to use premade characters.

The $40 price tag doesn't help much, either. Overall, if you see this game in your local game store, do the world a favor, and knock it off of the shelves. You should sleep well at night knowing you saved someone $40.