To this day, this game is one of my all time favorites and I still enjoy playing it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dungeons & Dragons: Stronghold PC
I will never understand why so few people played this game. When I first laid eyes on it in the early 90s, I could tell it was outstanding. And when I play it today, it saddens me to know that this could have been a great franchise. A game before its time unfortunately.

If I could describe this quirky game for the modern player, the best I could say is cross between LOTR Battle for Middle Earth and Majesty. You basically build a kingdom from scratch, battling any monsters that may oppose you. As you build structures and increase your kingdom size, military units will begin to join your kingdom automatically. Like Majesty, you cannot completely control these units. However, you can tell them where to go around the map. Depending on what class unit they are, they grow in skill and develop new powers and stats. Mages and Elves will learn new spells to use in combat, while Fighters and Dwarves mainly increase their attack and defense. There are also Thieves, Clerics, and Hobbits, and you can choose five of these classes to start a game with.

I would encourage any fan of RTS to at least try this gem. Bear in mind that the game was made in 92, so the graphics are dirt and there is a steep learning curve. If you can get past this though, you are in for a real treat.