It could have been longer (took only 30 hrs) maybe a sequal? A fun game, nevertheless, for the D&D enthusiast on the go!

User Rating: 8.6 | Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder GBA
D&D: Eye of the Beholder is the first (and only, I think) D&D game on the GBA, which means that there was no one else to compete with, giving the game a fair shot with any D&D fan.

Gameplay: The gameplay is very simple and easy to understand. Very D&D-like.

Graphics: The graphics are okay, but the depth of the game and the ability to control nearly every aspect of your characters makes up for it.

Sound: The same goes for sound as for graphics. It gets the job done.

Value: For D&D, I was iffy on getting this, thinking “how could D&D be on the GBA and be good?” Well, I was blown away at the game and how in-depth it was.

True D&D fans will appreciate the game for its ability to stick with D&D and include every aspect of the game, and not let the graphics get them down.