I would recommend any game to steer clear iof this poor gba game.

User Rating: 4.3 | DreamWorks Madagascar GBA
A poor gba game that doesn't give you any satisfaction upon completion.

The gamelay for this is the only half decent thing for this atrocious game. Graphics are really terrible it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the character from the enviroment and 'merges' them together.
Sound is awful, but bearable. It doesn't really suit anything and doesn't exactly immerse you.
The value is pathetic. Its in the region of £20 - 30 pound purely because of the name. But thats all it is - a name that has been shamed. If you loved the film it would be worth buying on the GCN, PS2 or XBOX.

Overall a poor game. The only thing appealing about it is it's name.