User Rating: 1.5 | DreamWorks Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa PC
This game was horrible it wasn't fun and it SUCKED! The game-play was horrible and boring all u did was run around and pick things up. I only found one thing fun and it was a mini-game. It must of been boring because i don't even remember what it was! The only person that liked it in the whole house was my 5 year old brother. I have to admit though i got it a Fry's Electronics for only what i remember $2:00. So if you want a game for 2 bucks and for a 5 year old go ahead! But if you older its not even worth 2 dollars. If you want a game based off of a Dream works game i recommend Monster vs aliens.

That's why this only deserves A

PC review by Halo387

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