Very funny and entertaining game, and really exciting!

User Rating: 9.5 | DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda PS2
When I first heard about the Kung Fu Panda game, I didn't think that it would be a good game. But after getting it, I realised that it is one of the funniest games I ever played.

Po, the ambitious panda goes to the mountains to learn Kung Fu, anb become the Dragon Warrior. The enjoyable graphics make this game more than just another "good film- bad game". Po' s panda abilities are very funny and exciting, and there are some creative objectives and boss battles. Also, there is a multiiplayer mode, which is also very good (in the case of four players).

The only bad point that I can mention in this game is the fact, that it is short. But the film was short too; so they couldn't do a long game.

Overall, this game is worth to play, I can recommend it to everyone who likes to play with funny, entertaining games!