A solid sequel. Little improvement.

User Rating: 7.2 | Drakengard 2 PS2
Well after months and months of waiting i finally got my hands on a copy. I had a hard time pulling away from it long enough to write this hehe. Drakengard was a really kool game and this game feels more like a prequel instead of a sequel, with the blatant eyesore tutorial at the beginning.

All the good things from the first one are still there. Lots of different weapons, a big dragon, lots of stuff to kill. Nothing was really new except this time you have a secondary ring(like the one for your weapons) which is used for healing potions. The other new thing is you also have an accessory slot. The accessory you start with reduces damage from everything by a whole 1%. SWEET!!!(sarcasm) Hopefully there will be better stuff to equip. There are villages scattered around the main map which you have to unlock by advancing through the story but they sell items and weapons and maybe accessories to.

There is only two really big problems i have with the game. The first is weapons are character specific this time around. If you wanna use a spear you gotta play as the spear guy, if you wanna use a wand you gotta play the stupid wand character. How fun. (more sarcasm) Maybe after you beat the game those restrictions get removed. I doubt it though because it has peoples names plastered all over the weapons select screen.

The only other problem which makes me go "wtf" is the camera distance when your on the ground. The camera is practically up your butt preventing you from seeing anything around you!!! Not a great idea when you have people attacking you from all angles. They just must have majorly screwed up deciding how high the resolution should be in the game. The only reason i can think of to have the camera so close to your guy is to help the game run smoothly. Gameplay is 10x more important than graphics any day of the week. They should have lowered the res and backed out the camera to let you see more of the action and your surroundings. You dont even get to change the distance manuelly.

Even with your limited view and forced usage of other people its a drakengard game which = extremely fun visceral hack n slash action. Now if only Dynasty Warriors would let you ride around on a dragon killing stuff. And no an elephant isnt the same thing =P.