A game that may have passed before Warcraft III.

User Rating: 3.4 | Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard PC
It's basically a dumbed-down Warcraft III. I played for as long as I could tolerate the game, but that wasn't very long. It's just too boring.

The graphics aren't bad, but the animations are what get to me. The flying units do not fly. They just float around with a crappy animation that tries to give the illusion of flying... Have you seen Battle for Middle Earth? THAT has flying units. This game has poorly animated floating objects.

You have heroes. They do not gain experience. You have units that 'gain' experience, but really, they don't. You get experience by killing things and you upgrade your units of each type and they all get to that level. That's not D&D at all.

The storyline isn't the worst I've seen but the cliches of the characters are what got to me. A sarcastic rogue that only loves cash? A killing machine robot that refers to the fact that he's a killing machine robot every five minutes? Who would've thunk it?

Just don't buy this game. It would've been good about 4 years ago. Now, it's just sad.