Controls ruin what could have been a good Dragon Quest game.

User Rating: 7 | Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors WII
Dragon Quest Swords is not your typical rpg. It borders on what one may consider a bare bones experience. There is one thing that I have to say is that if your a casual gamer and you've never played Dragon Quest pick this game up as a weekend rental, but for a fan of the series you may want to stay far, far away. There's a good game hiding somewhere in Swords though and what we have are some good elements and a lot of bad ones. First is the story, you play as a 16 year old boy who on his birthday must participate in the Walk of the Worthy to become a noble knight for the queen. After which you'll be thrown into a battle of good vs. evil in an epic 10 to 20 hour adventure. That's right this game is short. You can do the extra bosses and second quest, but by that time you'll get bored trying to level grind into the 90's. Aside from that comes the characters which are actually pretty good. The story is decent and it uses quite a bit of voice acting as well which is also good. The music and art are also decent too. The thing that ruins this game however, is the controls. I like that they were trying to incorporate just using a Wii Remote, but it is just awful! That's why there's a nunchuk! If this game got a new play control upgrade I would tack that and a motion plus on. First, your character's movement is tank like forcing you to use the D pad to go backwards or forwards...again this is what the nunchuk could have been used for. Also comes the battling and it isn't all too great at times when you swing your motion won't register right and you'll lose a big combo. If you swing it wildly you'll just lose. It's a terrible setup and it won't please you. Aside from that Dragon Quest Swords has all the other stuff in rpg's. You have your weapons and items shops, you can forge materials to make stronger weapons, participate in 2 mini games that will waste a few minutes, etc. Dragon Quest Swords for what it is is a decent arcade style rpg, but that's not something a typical fan of the series would want. This game is for casual gamers and the Dragon Quest fanatic gets left in the dust. Aside from that it's the controls and a blink and you'll miss adventure that makes what could have been a rpg Wii fans were wanting into a mindless weekend excursion.