This game is such a let down, to vent my rage I had to come back...

User Rating: 1 | Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi X360
How do I say this?


No really, I have played some bad games in the past, but this load takes the cake...

off by saying, I thought the raging blast titles were lame, they had nice rosters, but the combat was a step back from its godlike predecessors.

And this garbage... Well its a video game and I have that same feeling of heartbreak that comes over you when you get dumped after a two year long relationship... Its like my childhood was used to earn a profit... Oh wait? It was... Cause there can be no other reason for this crap, its horrifying how unimaginative this combat system is, it really is the same thing over and over again, forcing you to put your chances at success in the hands of lady luck.

I could go on and on about my seething hatred of the combat system, but I'll leave those feelings to the angry letters I feel compelled to write...

I can forgive smaller rosters, shorter single players, bland hero creations, but never CRAP GAME PLAY... I would give this game a zero... but I can't...