An okey game, great for die-hard fans of the series like me, but of course, it could have been MUCH better than it is...

User Rating: 7.8 | Dragon Ball Z: Sagas XBOX
Since my only console is the XBOX, I haven't played any of the Budokai games on the PS2, so I can't compare it with this one. Well, this is a different game anyways. More of a action-game instead of a beat 'em up game. I enjoyed this game, but it could have been so much better. I personally like Cell Shading graphics, as seen on Budokai 3, but here they only use it sometimes (I think^^). The games story is, well, you start as Goku, in the beginning of the DBZ sagas, fighting Raditz (strangely enough, you face Saibaimen in the game before they're introduced in the anime). You'll fight all the well-known enemies till the Cell Games. Raditz, Vegeta, Nappa, The Ginyu Force, Frieza Cell and The Androids (not Dr. Gero) Unfortunately you don't get to fight Majin Buu, which is sad, since he's my personal favourite foe. It's a very short game, I played through it in about 4-5 hours at Normal difficultly. As you progress through the game you can collect something called Z-coins, which is basically like "skill-points" you can use to buy upgrades (combo-moves, ki-powers, punches/kicks/throws). There's not much to buy, it's pretty limited. One thing I HATED about the game was the camera. You can't change your view at all, everything is auto-focused, and not in a good way. The graphics are mediocre, not the best, but not the worst. The sound however, is great. Voice-overs are done by the same guys who makes the voices in the series. The ki-sounds are also great, the KameHameHa-wave really feels powerful ^^. Avalanche Software could've taken more time on the graphics and on the diffuclty settings. It's a far to easy game, and much to short. Not much to explore, and it gets repetitive after a while. If you really like DBZ, then go out and buy it, otherwise, use your money elsewhere.