User Rating: 1.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Sagas XBOX
I know what I'm talking about when I call this game a rape of the dragonballz franchise. I used to be a huge DBZ fan and have seen every episode at least 10 times so I know a lot about the series. First of this game looks like crap, the controls are weird, enemies are way too easy to beat (even at the highest difficulty) and the story is garbage. The story is told by pieces of episode which sounds good but really isn't. Than the gameplay, the only thing that you do is walk or fly around and beat up dumb henchman to reach the endboss. That seems to be that only goal in every level. I think it''s a shame that there aren't any good DBZ games on the xbox Games like Dragonballz Budokai for example, those games are very good and the xbox could easily support such games.