A Good Game Until You Beat The Story Mode When You Find There Is Not Much To Do. Overall: 66/100

User Rating: 6.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai PS2
Overall: story and gameplay- 14/20, addictiveness and graphics 13/20, value- 6/10

Total: 66/100

This is a pretty solid DBZ game until you beat the story mode. The story mode is basically composed of the Frieza and Cell Sagas. The cutscenes and battles are great until you beat every character that there is to defeat.

After you beat the story mode there is always beating the tournament mode. In tournament mode you unlock Hercule as well as Great Saiyaman (Great Saiyaman's justice kick works great to throw out your opponent in the tournament mode!!!).

There is a good thing and a bad thing about tournament mode: the boundary rule. To explain the boundary rule, it basically sumo wrestling. Your out of the boudaries and your out (you could also KO your opponent if you like)!!! You can use it to your advantage by winning a round in a matter of seconds!!! Unfortunatly, in Advance mode in the tournament mode you'll find that the AI of the opponent is really high and they usually end up teleporting behind you and elimating you in a flash. BTW don't get cocky!!! Most of my matches I DOMINATE my opponent until the last second when they have one life bar left and they eliminate me in a blink of an eye!!!

Overall, I would only reccomend this game to a hardcore DBZ fan, especially since there are WAY BETTER DBZ games out now like the Tenkaichi series.