Dragon Ball Z: Budokai is a pure fan-service type of game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai PS2
The first time you play Budokai,you either hate it or like it.To begin the review,lets talk graphics.The character models are all pretty blocky and don't have to much detail put into them.The particle and explosive effects though,are quite well-done,especially when you go Super Saiyan or launch a beam attack.The game over all though,doesn't look all to good,but its still acceptable in the graphical category.

Budokai's sound-track is very similar to its japanese-cartoon counter part.They both share the same similar up beat type of music which can be great to listen to as you pound some body with a combo or beam-attack.The voice acting is also quite well done with each and every character,and most definetly sounds identical to its cartoon.

Budokai's story spans through three sagas of the cartoon.It ranges from the Saiyan Saga,to the Android Saga.You get a pretty short story mode to boot,and it can usually be completed in a couple of days or so.Though,if you are all on finishing it,it will take about a day.Each saga covers basically everything it should,so don't worry about being lost.

Now to talk about the game play.Its fun,but it can feel boring most of the time.Your character roster is pretty big,but not as big as the new Tenkaichi games.Its still a reasonable size with just about every necessary character like Goku & Vegeta.They all have their signature moves and special attacks,too.The games not entirely a blast to play,but it is good.

So your probably asking now,"So,what sucks about the game?"Well,not a whole lot.The graphics aren't to good,and plus the game play can be quite boring.Thats really all that sucks.

Final Verdict:Any fan of the Dragon Ball Z series would do themselves a huge favor by picking this game up.But some one who doesn't have a complete clue about what DBZ is,really shouldn't even check this out.Dragon Ball Z:Budokai is a good game,but it's not amazing.