"Dragon Age: Orgins is an excellent epic role playing game that's gripping from start to finish".

User Rating: 9 | Dragon Age: Origins X360
When you start a new game you can chose different races,human, elf,
dwarf or mage. Which ever one you decide all of them have a completely
different story. Later on you meet a Grey Warden called Duncan who
asks you to join his faction to help defeat the Blight. From then
onwards your character can then explore in this big open world map.
There are loads of memorable characters in Dragon Age: Origins. The
gameplay is great however their are few glitches when it comes to
fighting enemies e.g. I was hiding behind a wall waiting for my
enemies to come and get me so that I can ambush them and then
all of sudden this arrow comes out of the wall and hits me. Things
like that are annoying apart from that there's a lot to explore and
also what's great about this game is the relationships you have with
the people who fight along side you. The graphics are good especialy
the character models. The stories are gripping and will keep you for
engaged for quite a while. Dragon Age: Origins is an excellent
epic role playing game that's gripping from start to finish.

Graphics - The character models look great, however their are
few glitches in the game.

Gamplay - An excellent role play game that has a good combat system
but at the same time your team seem to go off into their own
little worlds and do stupid things at times.

How long will the game? This game will last at least 40 or 50 hours of
gameplay. Still worth playing? I think so this game is great.