Dr. robotniks mean bean machine has a great multi-player, but a horrible single player mode.

User Rating: 6 | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine GEN
Single player- Dr. robotniks mean bean machine's single player was extremely difficult to beat. There are a ridiculous amount of bosses to beat, and each one is five times harder than the last. Multiplayer- When playing a friend that has a skill level similar to yours mean bean machine can bbe a very fun game.

Overall- At times mean bean machine (puyo ripoff) can be very entertaining but all of that is taken away in single player mode. The frustrations, nothing to do with sonic, unoriginality and sound are all contributing factors for me rating this a low 6. If it wasnt for the enjoyable multi-player, this game would have gotten a 2.

-Hiccupski, your source for sonic reviews. (sorry mean bean machine, but i had to say it.)