All the fun only really really small!

User Rating: 8.1 | Classic NES Series: Dr. Mario GBA
Okay, Dr. Mario, though not as esteemed as tetris, is one of the best puzzle games I have played. There is just something so addictive with the simple play, I have gotten into many controller mashing games with my wife. Though we did have to stop playing for a while because we were too competative and it was hurting our marriage, ha! But when I played with her it was the regular nintendo version on a tv. This version of the game is just as fun, but the only problem is the size, it is just so hard to actually completly know what is going on a lot of time because of this, but of course that might just be because I am old and need glasses. Other than that small point this game is exactly the same, fun, addictive, and a great way to waste some time during the day.