If you love crazy beat games like DDR and Samba de Amigo, chances are you love this game. It has room to improve, like

User Rating: 8.8 | Donkey Konga GC
Alright the game I have been waiting for "Donka Konga the Nintendo/Namco beat game" has been tearing up my living room all night. Since the extra bongo drums dont release for another few days i just dropped 200.00 bills on four copies to really find out how great this game is. Almost as good as DDR and a few steps down from Samba but amazing with four people. Its very easy to grasp the concept and good natured of this game. Its easy to pick up and play with everyone you know! Soon people will start clapping and smacking these ridiculous looking plastic bongo drums, thats really when the fun breaks loose. Did you see all the games coming out for the Bongos? Great Investment for only $50.00 Jungle Beat Konga 2 and some other weird pinball game ---But My Complaints--- Need to improve songs badly! At least DDR had some liscensed music from the artists. After banging away to euro B-I-N-G-O isnt nearly as fun as it seems. (which sounds like it was done by the pre schoolers at your local catholic school and a 13 year old kid with Acid music loops) Better minigames DONT BUY IF YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS!! OR YA COULD BUY AND INVITE ME OVER! -------------

Single Player Rating

-------- 7.4 -------------

Multi Player Rating 8.8