Even though this game is very easy and has a crappy song list, it is still a great game

User Rating: 8.5 | Donkey Konga GC
The good parts of this game is the bongo controller, I think they have a nice design to them and they work very well. The clap sensor is really cool, instead of just clapping, you can do many kinds of things to make the clap sensor work. It is also nice that you can set the sensory on the clap sensor. The graphics are really nice and during a song, and when you do a drum roll, there is a really nice stampede of butterflies or a massive amounts of ballons. The notes are really easy to read and you can tell what kind of note to hit. The only thing that is making this game hard is the "jam" mode, its when you have to memorize the WHOLE song, i think thats the only thing that is making this game a challenge. SOME of the songs are good, if you are a fan of pokemon, there is the pokemon theme song, the DK rap from donkey kong 64, and all the small things from blink-182. The bad parts of this game is the song list, over 50% of the songs are either bad to awful, i mean come on, BINGO and i have been working on the railroad, come on nintendo, get a better song list. The game is also very easy, if you go to quartet (4 player) mode and use 4 bongos at once, you can still do decent to well on some songs, also i think there just isnt enough modes to keep you playing for a long time. Overall, this is a good rhythm game, but still on the easy side, and crappy song list.