An Awesome Game That's Held Up it's Incredible Challenge All These Years! 8)

User Rating: 10 | Donkey Kong Jr. NES

No matter how many times I go back to play this game, the challenge never really goes away. If there were any games that capture the really hard challenge and exciting fun that video games could bring in the arcade cabinet days, they would definitely be "Ms. Pac-Man," and this game, known as "Donkey Kong Jr." The reason that I'm writing a review for this game now, is because that after a long time of hard-work and determination, I have reached the top; I've achieved perfection by earning the best possible score that I could possibly earn with my skills and my talents! :) Despite being over 30 years old, and with only 8-bit graphics, the game-play is simple; it's the obstacles and enemy speed/movement that's challenging! :idea: Donkey Kong Jr. faces against crocodiles, condors, electric beams, and eagles, all of which move randomly! :!: Each time the four levels are completed, the game resets, but the enemies are faster, and there are more of them! Beat the levels enough times, and the enemies will eventually be replenished to replace the ones that Donkey Kong Jr. has destroyed! I think that's why this game has worked for as long as it has, and continues to work for gamers looking for a nice, hard, fun challenge! :D I have certainly enjoyed it, and that's why I'm recommending this game! 8) Enough said! ;)