A very well done remake of the best Dk Country game; one of the few gems on the GBA.

User Rating: 8.4 | Donkey Kong Country 2 GBA
Believe it or not, I actually don't own the GBA or SNES game, but i've played a good deal of it to know this is the best DK Country game, which the others i have also played and/or owned. It's essentially the same, just with a few extras and alterations in music and art. That's pretty much the only differences; it's still the the 2D side-scrolling platformer we all love. And it also has the things we hated, like the difficulty. This game is very difficult and requires a good deal of practice to be able to even get through it without cracking your GBA in half. This game is very difficult. Luckily, a game over isn't a big deal, because you retain your save data, including in a level. Still, this game is quite hard and very frustrating. The second level on up are the hard ones. Still, despite it's difficulty, it still has all it's old, good points. It's a sharp looking GBA game, but the Kongs are a bit small on screen. It sounds great, even on the GBA, and handles very well. It's still an awesome game. Positive- Very fluid gameplay, sounds and looks good, decent tweaks, good length which'll keep you coming back. Negative- Very hard especially since one hit drives away a kong, frustrating.

(This game because of it's frustrating gameplay made me decide to make a frustrating rating for every single game I review from now on.)

Frustration Rating: 8 (1 to 10, 10 being the most frustrating)

I really like this game despite it's frustrating gameplay. If you don't own the SNES version (Which is a bit better in my opinion) this is what you should get.