The best Donkey Kong game....ever

User Rating: 10 | Super Donkey Kong 2: Dixie & Diddy SNES
In 1994, Nintendo released a game with Rare called Donkey Kong Country. It came out with crisp graphics, innovative gameplay, and was very fun. Donkey Kong Country 2 improves on this game in almost every way possible. The game is about Diddy Kong, and his girlfriend Dixe Kong. Once Diddy finds out that his uncle, Donkey Kong, has been kidnapped, he comes to the rescue. The first new thing you will notice is the innovations to the gameplay compared to the original DKC. This game includes a new feature where you can switch who you would like to be with a click of the select button. You can also get new secrets in the game, new animals - and old ones too, plus Dixie Kong has a feature where she is able to fly with a twirl of her air. All of these additions, plus the team-up move, makes this game much more fun then the original - by a wide margin. Are there any real drawbacks to this game? No, absolutley not. I love this game, and me and my sister still play it and consider it a classic. So all in all, I suggest those who haven't played htis game should immediatly buy it. It is a great buy, and I suggest it to anyone who owns a SNES.