One of the worst games I have ever played.

User Rating: 1 | Don King Presents: Prizefighter X360
There are so many glitches and the graphics are sub par. The commentary is horrible as they repeat the same things over and over. Its hard to believe that 2K would put out such a crappy product. Don King must be hurting for money to even endorse this sad attempt of what could have been a good game.

There are some undertones of a Rocky storyline, but it does not pull you in, it is absolutely boring and unoriginal. The commentary is something that belongs in Billy Madison with the ridiculous amount of stuttering. The graphics and player movement are not smooth and have tons of freezes and glitches. The career mode is short and not very rewarding while the entire game can be beat in 6-8 hours.

In short the game is a utter mess, with a very unoriginal storyline, crappy graphics, and horrible audio. I have not played a game as bad as this since Family Double Dare on NES. Anyone looking to play a boxing game should stick to Fight Night Round 3.

I would not recommend this game to anyone, not even for rental.