I love boxing and boxing games but, This game is just lame!

User Rating: 1 | Don King Presents: Prizefighter X360
I've loved watching and participating in boxing every since I was a child. So naturaly I will love boxing games, I love the fight night series. I was very excited when this game came out and actaully shoved a little kid out of the way to rent it, now i wish he would have kicked me in the balls to take it back. I will agree with everyone that says its very clunky and slow and its not very fun when My punches actually pass through my opponent. Im rating this game very low because I found the cheapest way to beat everyone in story mode. All you have to do is find an opening and then uppercut them, after they start to move toward you again hit them with another one. you can land an uppercut every 2 seconds. I have never had a fight go past the 2nd round except for the guy who was hopped up on PCP. The game just isnt any fun and its very sad because boxing as a sport is losing popularity and this game could have helped it out.