ok gamespot got this game wrong!read on to find out about this CLASSIC fight game

User Rating: 9 | Don King Presents: Prizefighter X360
ok so gamespot gave it a bad Review.i admit when u first put the game in its hard!it takes at least a hour to get to grips with the controls.and the story at first is like what the ?**** but when u get into a few fights its perfect and gets better and better till the end,the story is like rocky.it realy drags u in till the end,so go get it now!p.s if u do get it my tip is get to grips with the controls then start a career strait away.it will tell u how to fight and help more than fast fight plus the first guys are very easy.trust me fight fans dont miss this CLASSIC game...ding ding fight!i will now paist this again so its 800 long lol ok so gamespot gave it a bad Review.i admit when u first put the game in its hard!it takes at least a hour to get to grips with the controls.and the story at first is like what the ?**** but when u get into a few fights its perfect and gets better and better till the end,the story is like rocky.it realy drags u in till the end,so go get it now!p.s if u do get it my tip is get to grips with the controls then start a career strait away.it will tell u how to fight and help more than fast fight plus the first guys are very easy.trust me fight fans dont miss this CLASSIC game...ding ding fight!i