This game should be called Don's Crock of Crap! How could anyone release such a horrible game? The game isn't worth 60$

User Rating: 4 | Don King Presents: Prizefighter X360
The game is totally boring.....and the controls are virtually impossible, you can't "dance" around the ring. I like Don King, but this game is not up to his standards, it ranks below amature....Sorry, but Fight Night Round 3 wins this battle! 5.0 is being nice for this game the graphics totally suck for the Xbox 360...I waited and waited for this game to come out and thought it would stand up to Fight Night Round 3 but doesn't even come close....There are a couple things I do like about the game, the skipping rope part is a lot of fun it kinda reminds me of Guitar Hero....Sorry 2 K this will be the last game I purchase from you! All of your sports games are mediocre.... With the exception of Bioshock, 2 k's game play has gone Waaaaaaay down hill and likely to stay there. 2 K is too cheap to put out anything worth buying, ever since they lost all the rights to the other sports that EA bought out, shows that 2 K has no power left in the sports gaming industry....and has no business in making another sports game!Period.....I CAN NOT WAIT FOR FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 4 TO COME OUT!