Completely Underrated

User Rating: 8.5 | Don King Presents: Prizefighter X360
When I read some of the reviews trashing this game I wasn't sure if I should get it, but I wanted to check it out for myself. Especially since I have been looking forward to this game coming out for a couple of months now. I bought the game, brought it home, and played it until 2:00 in the morning! I couldn't stop playing it. It was amazing fun.
The graphics are fairly decent but thats not what drew me in. The DEEP customization of your main character boxer. The round by round stats. The stats and awards kept in the "Your Bio" section of the game. You can schedule your own fights choosing between several boxers based on a summary of their record and ability and based on the opinion of your promoter and the amount of money up for grabs if you win. Another awesome feature is the documentary style used for the storyline. It is not computer animated people talking, it is actual live action video of Don King, other promoters, ex-girlfriends, former boxers, movie and TV stars like Mario Van Peebles (he's an 80's/90's personality) and many others I haven't unlocked yet and they are all talking about you (the main character) and your accomplishments.
The first couple of fights I went through fairly easy but as you progress the money gets bigger and the fight get much tougher. They move faster, have more devastating punches, block better, etc. In my first 12 fights I'm 10-2 with 10 KO's. I have 10 KO's because I spend my attribute points and training points on Strength and stamina instead of agility or dexterity. But that is another cool thing, you can concentrate on any of those areas and make any style of boxer in any weight class you want. My two loses came to boxers much faster than and more mobile than mine because of the way I spent my training points.
The training games are fun too. Some are easy to master and others are very challenging. Overall I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys boxing and games with good customization and career modes. Some other reviewers are comparing this to Fight Night but you can't because this game isn't made in the same mold as Fight Night. This game is its own thing and that is cool because variety makes the world go around.