I review games for the common folk who care about gaming...

User Rating: 8 | Don King Presents: Prizefighter X360
No catchy or overly disriptive open lines here... Just pay attention if you are stuck in the middle of getting this game or not... Check it...

They get the job done... you see a nice amount of sweat glittering and pouring down your boxer as the match goes on (no homo)... Facial damage is real... your eyes progressively get swollen and shut correctly... no over exagerration of blood and cuts... the body structure of fighters are accurate... fat guys have that boxer pouch and so on... The robes are a nice addition... the shorts flow nice... The ref is in the ring and does a good job of not interfering with the action of the game... Presentation is what a boxing game should be...

Gameplay: The bread and butter...
OK... the footwork could have been better but as the game progresses, you will notice that your boxer will get faster and the controls are actually correctly physics based... if you throw 1 or 2 punches and back up... stick and move.. your boxer begins to get into a RYTHM... yes... in boxing, very few boxers start off a fight throwing a bunch of punches and flying around... but the more you box and the more you punch and CONNECT... you begin to find a rhythm and your boxer will get faster and start throwing more rapidly and smoothly... As far as punches being thrown late.... well if your boxer isn't built up and faster through training... you may throw a right hook and just like in real life... you have to brace yourself and then throw a left... you don't just throw at will... if you did, you might pull a muscle or sprain a rib... punches missing then connecting? well... anyone who has ever actually had a fight will know that if you throw a punch and someone dodges it and you began to pull your arm back- if the dodge back and hit your arm, thats called CONTACT... the step punches actually provide the effect they should... I have watched a few boxing matches in my life and not ONCE.... have I seen a boxer parry a punch and throw their opponent off balance... if you hit a guy with a hook and a step, he will back up to regain his composure... This game has the boxing science down to a tee... it will take a few fights and loses before you get the jist of how to find openings and exploit weakness... The bob and weave method isn't useless as some people say... its just that any type of smart boxer will know that if you continually bob and weave... you will eventually get hit... if you keep rushing in, you will taste a jab and if you try to brawl with low stamina, you will get toasted... The gameplay is right on... I just wish the footwork aspect of it was a little bit quicker... maybe if you make a skinner dude, his lack of weight will call for quicker feet... Throughout history, there have been very few heavyweights over 225 that had quick feet....

The story is what it is... its cool to see actually footage and see people talk so dramatically about a character that doesn't exist... This game is a good break from fight night. the training mini games are insane after you get the hang of it... its pretty convient how they do the button pressing rhythm... its actually quite addictive once you get the swing of it... ode to guitar hero minus the guitar of course...

Should you get this game... Honestly, just like any other 2k game that has come out as of recent- its going to throw you off at first because you are expecting the game to blow you out of your socks as soon as you turn it on but as any good video game- there is a learning curve that you have to endure to stop people from crossing over and using the same formula of success as the last game... The way the game moves and plays would be completely hindered if you were using analog punching... What they don't tell you is that there is a 3rd controller option that allows you to throw hooks with the left and right triggers and throw straights and jabs with the RB and LB buttons and it certainly adds something special to how you box... They could have actually advertised the game with those controller options in the forefront but I love the fact that they didn't... Once you play using the triggers to punch with corresponding hands, it will take you to a new level... this game is certainly worth its price in weight... The slight learning curve and attention to detail make the game worth the effort... The emotion if a boxer who is getting beat shows in the later rounds as they will begin to throw more punches and become more aggressive as losing is in sight... Get the game if you like boxing because this is a great step in the right direction...