Twilight May Cry....New emo snipster Dante fighting demons in this...not so great Reboot

User Rating: 7 | DmC: Devil May Cry PC
Could had been better, could had been a lot worse, I have seen a lot worse. Anyway gameplay is not bad it has it's strong moments and graphics look good especially in the PC version. if you re a fan of the devil may cry games it is an ok reboot of the series even if this new Emo version of Dante is annoying and behaves ridiculous, i guess that is what they think as a "cool hero" in UK since the British company Ninja Theory has added their so-called "cool" stereotypes in the game based on the UK lifestyle and their UK preferences of course...

As about the story it is nothing special and the ending is predictable. After i finished the game i had the feeling that i just watched a cheap B-movie

I heard a lot of people getting terrible fps. I didn't run to any issues that would make the game unplayable! it is a decent game in its own right but for a devil may cry game could have been a lot better...