It was, well, was ok.

User Rating: 5 | Disney's TRON: Evolution PC
After the hype of this game bombarded us for over 6 months, and got Tron 2.0 fans drooling at the prospect of a new and improved Tron game, it really failed big. The music is ok, I mean most game music these days is ok. The graphics were pretty good, and somewhat tron-ish, but it just felt like something was missing. The gameplay was awkward at best. Some parts of it were good, like the camera and character control when on foot, but the lightcycle camera control was terrible. The controls for every mode seems very awkward.

The real reason I got this game was for the multiplayer. When Tron 2.0 came out, we enjoyed the exciting and strategic light cycle races for months and months. Some of us became very very good! This new Tron, however, offers no real strategy in lightcycle maps like the old one. In fact, in all of the maps that I played that allowed cycles, cycles were just a mode of fast travel and the real battle began when you jumped off the cycle and fought with disks.

It's a shame really to leave out the most enjoyed aspect of Tron, the light cycle grid battles. Yeah, they are there, and they emit light walls, but there's really nothing too it as the walls don't immediately kill you and you can just jump over them by jumping out of your bike and then regenerating it.

The game was a let down I am sure for most. Otherwise it wouldn't be holding its mediocre rating with 79 votes.