Not very challenging but still pretty fun.

User Rating: 7.5 | Disney Tangled: The Video Game WII
This game got my rating not because of my opinion on the game but more for the opinion of my daughter. By no means is this game targeted at teens or even kids, but for the younger kids (3-5) this is a great game as it it easy to play and pretty entertaining. The game is good enough for me to sit down and actually play with her, and easy enough for her to play herself. There is a variety of objectives to keep it interesting. The visuals are good ad easy to look at. The controls are easy to use and easy to pick up, even for a 4yr old. The only thing I didn't like is the lack of checkpoints within a level. If you don't complete the entire level before you quit, you have to start over again from the beginning of that level and they can be a little lengthy. I would consider this a guilty pleasure because I plan on going back and playing by myself once my daughter goes to bed so that I can get all of the coins and hidden treasures that she didn't quite have enough patience to wonder around and find.