Pretty good for a kids movie game.

User Rating: 7 | Disney/Pixar The Incredibles GC
I got this game, as most of my games, for me and my kids to play, usually i pick games i think they'd like. Some of them are so simple, its hard for me to enjoy it for me, and i play with them to spend time with them or help them on certain parts. This game, the Incredibles, is actually cool enough to enjoy myself. i'm noticing a trend that i usually always agree with Gamespots editors ratings on adult games that i've played, but i usually disagree with them on kids games, lol. (how could you rate Madagascar a 7.0, higher than this one?) Anyway, this game has pretty good graphics altogether. Nice animation, great backgrounds and levels. It follows the story line from the movie for the most, with lots of gaps in the plot, lol, but if you've seen the movie, you know whats going on. This game is actually quite challenging on some levels, and most of the levels are lil too advanced for my kids (ages 5 and 6). Shoot, i had to repeatedly use the cheat code over and over on a few boss battles to refill my health so i wouldnt die. :-P the controls are consistent once you get used to em, obviously, not as tight and smooth as a Zelda game or something. Its a decent length game for a movie game, not "short" by most means. I actually think they made the game a tad too difficult for kids who are big fans of the moive (like mine). It is only a one player game, and you can replay any levels also. I'd recommend it for players old enough to get through it (at least in the teenage years) or for families like mine who are willing to play with the kids or who have kids that just like watch Daddy play, like mine, lol. God bless PS. the voicing in the game seems to be the same actors from the movie also, if you're interested in that. if they're not, i sure cant tell the difference. :-)