One of the Best Movie Games on the Market.

User Rating: 9 | Disney/Pixar Cars WII
Cars for the Wii is the type of game that the “Just Plain fun” category was designed for. Between the innovative control and intriguing gameplay, there is no other way to describe this title. The game is very well designed around the blockbuster film. The plot does not copy but the film, so players will not have had to see the film in order to enjoy the game. The fact that all of the cars are visually accurate and developers actually used the stars from the film to voice characters (Paul Newman, Owen Wilson, Michael Keaton, Larry the Cable Guy, etc.) is a tribute to the high production value. The new Wii control system is the best part of the game. Players hold the Wii sideways, as if it were a steering wheel and use this mechanic to steer the vehicles. An optional plastic steering wheel attachment to the Wii mote (not included) adds to the fun. The control system alone is reason enough to play the game at least as a rental. Racing enthusiasts have found some flaws in the title, but it is more than adequate for casual gamers and those who typically favor another genre. Many purists have issues with the game’s physics, but I highly doubt that most gamers expect perfect realism from a game about talking cars. The game is easier than most traditional racing games, but I actually view this as a plus. Given the relative newness of the Wii and the revolutionary control scheme, I think it would probably be very frustrating for players to instantly attempt to master a copy of Forza or Gran Turismo. Lastly, the game offers a revolutionary, and much welcomed, kids version of the game. Rather than just offer another full version of the game with a lowered difficulty level, developers have included a smaller and less complicated version of the game for younger players. This is perfect for households with children of varying ages, or households with both parents and children using the console. All in all this is the perfect title for younger fans who are fascinated with the movie, and older gamers trying to enjoy the new Wii controls. Cars will not go down as an epic racing title, but it will be enjoyed by anyone who chooses to experience it. This is an excellent starting point for new Wii owners, and I recommend it for all casual gamers and fans of the film.