Cars has all the elements of a great movie game, but somehow the developers left out the fun.

User Rating: 4.5 | Disney/Pixar Cars X360
Cars is probably one of the most promising movie games I've ever tried. It has a great original story, terrific voice acting, a great soundtrack, and decent graphics. As movie games go, Cars seems to have all the pieces in place. The problem is despite all the game does right it still manages to not be any fun.

The annoyances come in the incredibly simplified racing. On most stages your computer opponents will not stand a chance. There is practically no way to get anything but first place in most races. However, when you enter the games major races at the large speedways the game flips on its head. No matter how fast you go, it is impossible to gain a large lead on your competition. That would be fine except you will end up playing the game's most boring 12 lap races over and over again if you want to come in first.

Another problem comes from trying to find your new missions. When you get a new mission it shows as white on your map and you can just drive to it. If that were all there were it would be enough, but the game has to add three areas to explore. When you unlock a new objective in another area it doesn't show until you go to that location. While Radiator Springs is a fun place, the game would have done much better without Ornament Valley and Tailfin pass. Tailfin pass is especially annoying because it is very easy to get lost in its curved roads and you can't always find your way out after completing your objectives. Add in load times every time you travel between the three locations and you've just go a lot of annoyance.

So, Cars does a good job in some areas, but overall it still fails. The game is not very fun even for big fans of the movie like me. The games obvious rubber-banding, bot for and against you, are too obvious and while the freeroam seems like a good idea, the game would have benn better to just progress you from objective to objective. Overall, this game doesn't even make a good rent.