Mickey Mouse is in his biggest platforming adventure, Tim Burton style, but with a few issues.

User Rating: 9 | Disney Epic Mickey WII

My 120th review after Wii Sports Resort.

When I once played this game at Best Buy, I heard the review said that this is one of the best Wii games ever made. I can really understand why GameSpot gave this game a 6.0 and why not every gamers liked this game: because of the controls, camera system, and combat that are 3 major flaws of this game. Well I honestly find this game isn't really that bad at all. If only they fixed the controls, camera system, and combat problems, then GameSpot would give this game a 9-point range. This really almost must be a dark themed Mickey Mouse and all the graphics reminds me of Tim Burton movies. This game gets an B-! Here the results:

Gameplay 9/10: Can be fun and all, but the combat may be repetitive and frustrating!

Graphics 10/10: Amazing and colorful. I could tell you this the graphics kinda reminds me of Tim Burton movies like I mentioned before.

Controls 2/10: Sure the controls and camera system may be sloppy.

Sound/Music 9/10: Amazing sound effects and music!

Lasting Appeal 9/10: Can be one of the best Wii games ever made if only they fixed some of the issues.

Overall, Epic Mickey is a dark-themed platformer that could have some improvements.

The Good:

-Colorful graphics

-Amazing music and sound effects

-Reminiscent to Tim Burton movies

The Bad:

-Sluggish controls

-Terrible camera system

-Tedious and frustrating combat

-No voice-acting whatsoever

The only major flaws what really kills the game is the controls, camera system, and combat problems, but other than that, the game is fun and all, not really that bad at all! Anyway that's the end of my review. Good night everyone!

Epic Mickey gets a 9 out of 10!
