Game is cool but could have been much much better...

User Rating: 4.5 | Walt Disney Pictures Bolt PC
This game is cool in the starting.

But as you advance the game will get boring and boring.

Its a very difficult game in the later stages but it was kinda fun.

I was expecting more from this game in terms of graphics.

It needs 256 MB graphic card and its graphics are not so good.

I saw the trailer and was very happy to see it ,because in this game we can use all the power of BOLT i.e SUPER BARK looks nice when we see the trailer but its completely diffrent if you play it.

I think their are more better games then this one.

This is the complete keyboard game it would have been much more better and easier if their was a use of mouse in it.

The best part of the game is when you are BOLT, it is because you have many powers and fighting with bolt is much more easier and also fun then fighting with the girl is.

I recommended this game for the children who have seen the BOLT movie.. i think 16-17 teens wont like it.