Disgaea 2 is just like Disgaea, except without any of the charm.

User Rating: 7.5 | Makai Senki Disgaea 2 PS2
As a rule, I'm the kind of gamer who really treasures the first entry in a series and has an unreasonable attachment to said first entry, despite increased quality in sequels.

Suikoden, Xenosaga, and Shadow Hearts are all examples of recent RPG families which all had sequels within the series that were superior from most every standpoint, yet still, I loved the original most.

Sadly, Disgaea cannot fit into this same group yet (I haven't played 3, so can't pass final judgement yet) as Disgaea 2, while featuring some very nice gameplay improvements, also features a serious downgrade in every other category.

For those who haven't played any games in the series, Disgaea is a Strategy RPG series which means that all battles are played out on a grid style battlefield where you and the enemy field a team and duke it out in alternating turns (more in the gameplay section).

In general, the series is known for it's extended playtime (100's of hours if you wish to delve into the deepest corners) and its odd brand of humor which varies between juvenile and really juvenile, but is genuinely funny most of the time.

Graphics - 5

If you're playing a Disgaea game, you already know you're playing almost entirely for the humor and the gameplay, so this should surprise no one.

I'd have scored this higher if the character designs weren't so unpleasant, but the fact of the matter is they are. Many of the designs are muddy and indistinct and as a result, it becomes difficult to enjoy the once simple and pleasant graphics of the series.

Sound/Music - 8

As with the original, the soundtrack for Disgaea 2 is actually pretty good. The pieces tend to convey the mood of the moment in a satisfactory manner and contribute to the atmosphere well.

Voice acting is okay for the most part, but the change of actors for Etna is jarring and alters her entire personality from devious to spoiled brat.

Gameplay - 8.5

In general, this is a fairly standard Strategy RPG where battles are fought on a grid map. Your characters move towards the enemy on said map and may engage in a number of different actions to gain victory on the field of battle.

Outside of the story mode, you may also visit a number of extra areas as well as what's called the Item World (basically a series of dungeons inside each item in the game). When you clear a map in the item world, the statistics of that item increase thus making it more powerful and key to victory in tougher battles.

Specific to Disgaea 2, gameplay in the original was fantastic, but not always user friendly. The addition of an option to turn off attack animations, a third tier to the camera view which allows a tilt, and upgrades to the item world (including rooms where you can shop, heal, and more), while on the surface seem small, really addressed many of the gripes I had with the operation of the first game.

Character classes are better balanced now as well (no Divine Majins outdoing everything else in the game by miles) and healers/buffers (characters who increase your parties statistics with special abilities) gain experience for using the skills they're created for. As a result, it's no longer a huge struggle to keep your healer on a comparable level without gaining big offensive spells for them.

Overall, good improvements to an already great system.

Story/Characters - 7.25

For the most part, the characters are pretty terrible, though the worst of the bunch is Axel, (not a character you have to use (and in fact are not able to use for the most part)) the main characters self appointed rival with the most aggravating dialogue the world has ever seen.

The story is okay, and ends with an interesting twist (if you didn't see it coming several chapters away (I didn't, though I thought I did)) and multiple endings. It's pretty standard for a JRPG and features a requisite princess, thick headed hero, and annoying side kick (which is sort of the point as it's supposed to be something of a commentary on the generic status of JRPG stories).

Value - 7.5

Currently easy to locate in the 25 - 30 dollar range (where I'm at and online), this title offers good, but not great bang for your buck. Your mileage will vary of course, based on how many times you replay the game. My current plan is to not replay it at all.

Total Time to Completion - 46 hours 13 minutes

Final Score - 7.25

Final Thoughts - Definitely worth it for a Disgaea fan, other SRPG fans approach with caution and play either of the other two titles first as this is, from what I understand, the weakest of the bunch. Still a good game, but one I would definitely not recommend to everyone.