The Ultimate grinding game. If you enjoy SRPGs then this is the one for you. Disgaea 2 has everything a game needs.

User Rating: 9.5 | Makai Senki Disgaea 2 PS2
Disgaea 2 is one of the best SRPGs for the PS2 yet. They don't make many games like these. You can just keep trying to level up and get your character to godly strengths. So the game play was unlimited. The music sounded great and really fit the situation the characters were in. The graphics were okay, I loved the 2D sprites they used, but they could of done something with the backgrounds. Disgaea 2 was the most addictive game I have ever played on the PS2. Now they are releasing one for the PSP. I hope they keep adding more and more to the Disgaea series. There was one complaint about the party members though. In the first Disgaea, when you beat a boss they come into your party. Disgaea 2 totally lacked that. The Story was great but at times it didn't make sense. The story started out weird then it got interesting. If you like games because of the story line, Disgaea 2 is the one.