the second game in the disgaea seriese

User Rating: 9.5 | Makai Senki Disgaea 2 PS2
Since Disgaea 3 is coming out tomorrow I thought that it would be devilishly fun to review Disgaea 2 before hand. Why? Because I can.

Adell is the only person in the land of Valdime whom has not been turned into a demon, but the overlord Zenon. so it is up to him to defeat Zenon, and restore order to Veldime, but when the summoning ritual goes wrong, and Roslyn the only daughter of Zenon is summoned instead Chaos follows, and the quest continues. Along the way you reunite with Beauty Queen Etna, and others from other nisa games. The story is very original once again, and is also very funny as well, so enjoy playing this game for the story.

The graphics look like something that the ps1 could do, but the spells are neat, and as I have always stressed good graphics do not make a good game.

Game play.
If you have played the original Disgaea then you know what you are getting into team attacks. geo symbols, crazy leveling the item world you get the picture. nothing has really changed, but that does not mean that the game is repetitive or not fun.

The voice acting is still solid , and fun to listen to though some may tell you to listen to the Japanese voice track. The music is also good here as well Tenpie Sato as always has done a great score for the Disgaea games.

All in all this game is very good, and I defiantly recommend it to all Disgaea fans or SRPG fans, but be warned this is not a game for the faint of heart.

Final Score 9.4.