Dirt 2 is the most fun you will ever have

User Rating: 9.5 | DiRT 2 PS3
The good: real drivers you race against,great graphics,not choppy
The bad: no 2 player, you get new races way to fast

Dirt 2 is a great game the graphics make it seem real. The cockpit view could not be better. The gameplay is great and not choppy at all even online.Also flashbacks are a great thing to have
in case you wreck and don't want to start over

Dirt 2 has no bugs at all but the only thing I find a little odd is at a track in China went into the water and I could not do a flashback.

Regardless of whether you're driving a rally car, a trophy truck, a trallblazer car or a buggy, Dirt 2's responsive controls are up to the job of keeping your wheels where you need them to be as you navigate tight corners, big jumps, expanses of shallow water, and transitions between loose surfaces and tarmac. Every vehicle in your ever-expanding garage handles differently,Another great thing is you can change your car setup to how you like it.

Overall Dirt 2 is a great game with awesome graphics, no bugs and tons of fun.