Diner Dash is a great game from start to finish, but like the Gamespot review, it is too simple to come back to play.

User Rating: 7.5 | Diner Dash: Sizzle & Serve DS
I love playing Diner Dash on my PC. It is highly addictive and you want to finish every level to win! When I found this game at Target on sale, I quickly bought it. I played it for so long but when I beat the game, the game was disappointing. It was way to short. The game has many levels but time seemed to fly when you played it. I love how you could customize Flo and decorate the restaurant but I did not like how you had to press a button to see how many people were in the waiting line. It just seemed disconnected and I just did not like that. The games graphics were just OK. Not dazzling, but not bad. Overall, Diner Dash for the DS is enjoyable when you play it, but it seems way to short for a DS game. On the computer, this game rocks but on the DS, it is just OK. OK is not always bad but is not always good.