The problem with this game is that monster raising is not easy for the intended audience to grasp and oh yah its bad.

User Rating: 3 | Digimon World PS
Digimon World as a child really got me excited, I popped the disk in with more hope and joy than the last time I popped in a new Pokemon game (I know, as a child I was a very stereotypical type of kid) but I am writing this Review to get Revenge on the Torment this game caused me as a child AND THIS TIME I WILL WIN. Namely a monster breeding game is not a simple concept for a 5-10 year old to capture, for the fact that when the games mechanics are so far gone, and your characters die off so darn fast it becomes extremely frustrating for the kid who just wanted to beat the crap out of other "Digimon" for pure fun. Though I do admit it is a novel concept considering how well the idea it works with the source material, this game is just plain bad (looks like it came out in 1997-98, poor sound design........not easy enough for kids to grasp). In the end, fans can still try it and will probably still like it, once they can make sense of it or they'll just get frustrated and go play Pokemon.